Do I remember my code?

Monday, September 23, 2024 |

No, I don’t remember my code. I work as programmer for 7 years right now. I write many of code program either it just for fun, curious, or seeking money. I left the code for weeks, months, or years. When I come back, I read it and do some tweaks either modify or remove it. Remove the code program is a spark joy moment.

Now, AI comes as assitant of programmer not a replacement of programmer (this is my argument). I ask AI for generate a code program for a certain case, I read and argue the code program if I don’t understand. I don’t understand the code program because maybe it doesn’t make sense in my brain, maybe because I’m too slow to understand it, or maybe I don’t understand the fundamentals. That’s why the fundamentals is important. From hardware specification like CPU, storage, and RAM. How much I can achieve with hardware limitation. The more I learn the more I know nothing.

Keep learning till the end!